terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2009

Conversa LSD - 22/07/2009

Tema: “Automock: Interaction-Based Mock Code Generation”

Local: Auditório do LSD

Horário: 14:00h

Apresentador: Sabrina de F. Sout


Mock objects are used to improve both efficiency and effectiveness of unit testing. They can be used to write unit tests that completely isolate objects under test, while performing root cause analysis of defects. Writing tests that use mocks, however, can be a tedious, costly task and may lead to the inclusion of defects. Furthermore, mock based unit tests are known to be short-lived – they must be discarded for most design changes on the system. In this talk, I will present a technique that generates mock-based unit tests to face the mentioned drawbacks. It is based on the analysis of execution traces to capture interactions between a target object and its collaborators. I also will present Automock, a proof of concept tool developed to evaluate the feasibility of the technique.

Abraços e até Quarta

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